Day 1

My first blog. Who would have thought it was this easy? Here I am, in Fairfax, Virginia at George Mason University, at the summer institute “Rebuilding the Portfolio: Digital Humanities for Art History,”  learning all kinds of exciting new skills for researching and teaching. My goal is to use new digital methods to explore transnational art networks in Latin America in the 1960s and 1970s. Specifically, I want to create a website that catalogs and maps the participation of Latin American artists in international biennials during the sixties and seventies.


This newspaper photograph from an exhibition review shows a detail of Argentine artist Rogelio Polesello’s Image Multiplying Lenses, 1972, installed at the III Bienal de Arte Coltejer, Medellín.

I envision an online searchable database of biennials that can be searched by biennial, country, or artist, to which other scholars will be invited to contribute information. The database will generate maps that visualize the international networks created by the biennials.

I am so excited, and so grateful to the institute organizers, George Mason University, and the Getty Institute for giving me this opportunity to learn the skills necessary to develop my project!

Source: Day 1