Institute Team


  • Megan Brett, Digital History Associate
  • Sheila A. Brennan Co-Director, Rebuilding the Portfolio; Associate Director of Public Projects and Assistant Research Professor, Department of History and Art History
  • Stephanie Grimes, Graduate Research Assistant
  • Sharon M. Leon, Co-Director, Rebuilding the Portfolio; Director of Public Projects and Associate Professor Department of History and Art History
  • Jeny Martinez, Office Manager
  • Lisa M. Rhody, Associate Director of Research; Assistant Research Professor Department of History and Art History
  • Spencer Roberts, Graduate Research Assistant
  • Celeste Sharpe, Graduate Research Assistant
  • Joan F. Troyano, Director, PressForward; Assistant Research Professor Department of History and Art History

GMU Art History Department

  • Rob DeCaroli, Associate Professor, Department of History and Art History
  • Michele Greet, Associate Professor, Department of History and Art History

Guest Instructors

  • Effie Kapsalis, Head of New Media at Smithsonian Institution Archive
  • Kimon Keramidas, Assistant Professor and Director of the Digital Media Lab, Bard Graduate Center

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  1. Pingback: Getting Ready to Rebuild that Portfolio | Rebuilding the Portfolio: DH for Art Historians

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