July 16: Sharing Research, Sharing Authority


  • “Throwing Open the Doors” in Bill Adair, Benjamin Filene, and Laura Koloski, eds. Letting Go?: Sharing Historical Authority in a User-Generated World, 2011, 68-123. View reading here.
  • Andrea Witcomb, “The Materiality of Virtual Technologies: A New Approach to Thinking about the Impact of Multimedia in Museums,” in Fiona Cameron and Sarah Kenderine, eds, Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007) 35-48. View reading here.
  • Nancy Proctor, “Digital: Museum as Platform, Curator as Champion, in the Age of Social Media,” Curator: The Museum Journal 53, no. 1 (January 1, 2010): 35–43. View reading here.
  • Jeffrey Inscho, “Guest Post: Oh Snap! Experimenting with Open Authority in the Gallery,” Museum 2.0 (March 13, 2013). http://museumtwo.blogspot.com/2013/03/guest-post-oh-snap-experimenting-with.html.

Morning (9am to 12pm)

  • Digital Methods: Collaboration and community sourcing of cultural heritage projects, with undergraduates and subject enthusiasts.
  • 12:00 Lunch, provided, with talk with guest Effie Kapsalis, Head of New Media at Smithsonian Institution Archives, on Smithsonian community and crowdsourcing efforts

Afternoon (1-4pm)

  • Hands-on Session 1: Together with Kapsalis, participants will develop a crowdsourcing activity for an art history course.
  • Project Planning: Participants will think about collaboration and establishing different types of partnerships, including ways to invite non-scholarly audiences into their assist with source annotating or gathering for individual projects.
  • Notes from today’s discussion
  • 4:00 Close — Bus: 4:15





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One thought on “July 16: Sharing Research, Sharing Authority

  1. Pingback: Reflections on #doingdah14: part 1, research | Celeste Tường Vy Sharpe

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