At this point in the schedule, I’ll have to confess to conflating some of the many, many new cloud-based and land-based (?) software programs we’ve learned. In an effort to keep track, here’s a (still growing) list of all the tools we’ve been exposed to that store data, collect images & other files, interpret & annotate images & video, and visualize data :
Zotero (data collection)
(.net & .org versions—collection-building, exhibition-building, map integration & more)
Scalar (collection building, annotating videos)
Drupal (site building)
Prezi (Kimon’s suggested use: organizing images)
ThingLink (annotating images, sharing annotations)
YouTube (annotating videos)
Animoto (creating video stories)
Google Map Engine
(Lite—creating custom maps, working with kml data, e.g.)
Google Fusion Tables
(many uses for manipulating & sharing data, creating social network visualizations)
NYPL’s Map Warper
(Spatial/temporal: historic/modern map comparisons)
StoryMap (“Prezi with a mapping interface”)
Comment Press (Open source publishing)
Google nGrams (Word frequencies using Google Books corpus)
(Word frequencies using Open Library, Chronicling America, SSRN, etc., corpora)
(Text analysis: word frequencies, trends, including Cirrus, Bubblines, Knots plug-ins)
OpenCalais (Semantic analysis)
ViewShare (Data visualization)
ImagePlot (“Distant reading” of images; vizualization of image data)
Palladio (Data visualization)
Excel Charts (Data visualization, etc.)
Colour Lens (Collection analysis by color)
Source: Instruments