What to do with all the photographs

Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DCDumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC

Artamanoff’s photographs are split primarily between two collections, The Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives of Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, and the Archives of the Freer and Sackler Galleries, where they are part of the Myron Bement Smith Collection. A few other photographs are held at Columbia University and at the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul. Almost all of the photographs may be seen on the Artamanoff site created by the Dumbarton Oaks team who carried out the initial research on Artamanoff, Günder Varinlioğlu and Alyssa DesRochers.

That’s the good news. But at just over a thousand images, the collection still poses significant challenges in terms of organizing the material in a way that is relevant and will lend itself to easy analysis. Spreadsheet? Database? Something more sophisticated and powerful I have yet to learn about? Is there a silver bullet out there for organizing large numbers of images for research?

Source: What to do with all the photographs