July 7: Introductions

Group Notes



Morning (9am to 12pm)

  • Opening comments and introductions
  • Introduction to the Digital Humanities, and the Digital Art History community
  • Overview of disciplinary approaches
  • Break for lunch (provided) at Noon

Afternoon (1pm to 4pm)

  • Introduction to digital communication platforms
  • Hands-on Session: Sign up for Twitter. #doingdah14
  • Hands-on Session: Sign up for web hosting and install WordPress.
  • Project Planning: Sharing of Project Ideas
  • Closing at 4pm. Bus: 4:15pm.


  • Write a paragraph on your new blog about your proposed project.



Next Day

One thought on “July 7: Introductions

  1. Pingback: Is There A Critical Digital Art History Yet? | Digital @ He[ART]

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